Κατηγορία:Ρήματα που κλίνονται όπως το 'ask' (αγγλικά)
ενεστώτας | ask |
γ΄ ενικό ενεστώτα | asks |
αόριστος | asked |
παθητική μετοχή | asked |
ενεργητική μετοχή | asking |
για τους συντάκτες: {{en-verb-'ask'}}
Σελίδες στην κατηγορία "Ρήματα που κλίνονται όπως το 'ask' (αγγλικά)"
Αυτή η κατηγορία περιέχει τις ακόλουθες 200 σελίδες, από 1.105 συνολικά.
(προηγούμενη σελίδα) (επόμενη σελίδα)A
- abandon
- abduct
- absorb
- abstain
- accent
- accept
- account
- account for
- act
- add
- add up
- adjourn
- adjust
- administer
- affect
- afford
- aid
- aim
- air
- air out
- alarm
- align
- allow
- alter
- amount
- ancestor
- anchor
- anger
- answer
- appeal
- appear
- applaud
- appoint
- apportion
- arm
- arrest
- ascend
- ask
- ask for
- assent
- assert
- assign
- assist
- astound
- attack
- attain
- attempt
- attend
- attend to
- attest
- auction
- auction off
- author
- autograph
- avert
- avoid
- back
- back away
- backburn
- back down
- back off
- back onto
- back out
- back up
- badger
- bad-mouth
- badmouth
- balk
- band together
- bang
- bank
- bark
- bask
- bath
- beam
- belong
- belong to
- best
- better
- bicker
- birth
- bitumen
- black
- blacken
- blackmail
- blank
- blast
- blend
- blind
- blindfold
- blink
- block
- block in
- block off
- block out
- bloom
- blunder
- board
- boast
- boil
- bolt
- bomb
- bond
- boo
- book
- boost
- boot out
- border
- border on
- borrow
- bowl
- braid
- bread
- brief
- broadcast
- buffet
- bump
- bump into
- bunk off
- burden
- burn
- butcher
- butt in
- button
- call
- call for
- call on
- calm
- calm down
- camp
- campaign
- caw
- cement
- censor
- center
- chair
- chalk up to
- cheat
- cheat on
- cheat out of
- check
- checkmark
- check out
- cheer
- cheer on
- cheer up
- chill
- chink
- chirp
- chuck
- chuck out
- churn
- churn out
- circumvent
- claim
- clasp
- clatter
- claw
- clean
- clean up
- clear
- clear out
- clear up
- click
- climb
- clink
- clobber
- clown
- cluster
- coast
- coat
- coil
- coin
- collect
- color
- colour
- comb
- comfort
- command
- commend
- comment
- complain
- complement
- compliment
- compost
- comprehend
- conceal
- concern
- condemn
- condition
- conduct
- confirm
- conflict
- confront
- conk
- conk out
- connect
- conquer
- consent
- consider