Δείτε επίσης: Help:Translations

Detailed description at: Βικιλεξικό:Δομή λημμάτων (in Greek).

Here is a layout guide for languages other than Greek.

xx is the code of the language. Here is a table of all language codes.
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA, or ΔΦΑ guide is here: Βικιλεξικό:Οδηγός προφοράς)

If there are more than one language sections in a page, please place them alphabetically-Greek (their titles are in Greek).

You do not need to fill every Section. The ==={{PoS|xx}}=== Part of Speech Section is sufficient.

Please, always make links like this: {{l|word|xx|tr=|<alternative output>}} e.g.
{{l|خمسة|ar|خَمْسَة|tr=xamsa}} which renders: خَمْسَة (xamsa)

Thank you!

Let us help you with any questions at Βικιδημία (wikiacademy). Happy edits!

For non-greek languages.

<!-- inflection tables here -->
* [[greekword]]

For languages with scripts except latin or greek, plus tr= (transcription e.g. пять (piat') and/or diacr= for optional diacritics as in Arabic (e.g. خَمْسَة (xamsa)).


* [[greekword]]

All sections included. Also check the Category of the language of your interest for more Κατηγορία:Κατάλογος γλωσσών-Language Index.

{{also|word|word}}		<!-- at the very very top of page,  similar-script-word  with different diacritics -->
----					<!-- language separator if there is another language above -->
					<!-- 1 empty line -->
=={{-xx-}}==				<!-- language ISO code -->
<!-- short inflection tables here -->
: '''{{PAGENAME}}''' <  	<!-- {{etym|xx language donor|xx language receiver|word-donor}} -->
				<!-- (we use the symbol < and Template:etym Template:bor. Also, <ref></ref> usually goes here -->
{{ΔΦΑ|<language iso code>|ipa characters}}		<!-- (no / / needed) -->
: {{συλλ|a|ba|ba}}			<!-- hyphenation -->

==={{PoS|xx}}===			<!-- Part of Speech or grammatical category e.g. ουσιαστικό (noun), επίθετο (adjective) etc -->
{{t|xx|{{PAGENAME}}|tr=}}	<!-- link to the mother language wiktionary  Transliteration needed for non-Latin scripts -->
* 				<!-- asterisc for ONE definition, # for many definitions -->
*: {{eg}} ''example in italics '''boldlemma''''' - translation in Greek '''boldlemma'''
*: {{quotation||xx}} ''same way''
*:: translation in Greek (separate line if it is too long)
*::: <small>Writer, ''Work'' in separate line if it is too long</small>
*: {{syn}} {{l|word|xx}}		<!-- synonyms -->
*: {{ant}} {{l|word|xx}}		<!-- antonyms --> 

===={{συνώνυμα}}====			<!-- synonyms or you may add it as above, with {{συνων}} -->
* {{l|word|xx}}

===={{αντώνυμα}}====			<!-- antonyms or you may add under definitions with {{αντων}} -->
* {{l|word|xx}}

===={{συγγενικά}}====			<!-- Related terms (etymologically related) -->
* {{l|word|xx}}

===={{βλέπε}}====			<!-- See also: unrelated, but words or wikipedias of interest -->
* {{l|word|xx}}

==={{αναφορές}}===			<!-- references for all your <ref></ref> -->

==={{πηγές}}===				<!-- sources used, or Further reading -->
* ...

[[Κατηγορία:]]				<!-- manually added Category for this Language Section, if needed -->
					<!-- 2 empty lines -->

----					<!-- language separator after two lines -->
					<!-- 1 empty line -->
=={{-xx-}}==				<!-- other language, alphabetically placed as in Greek α...ω -->