Hello and welcome to the Greek wiktionary. If you want to apply for bot status, please make an announcement here and explain who the owner of the bot is, what your tasks will be, the script you use, which other wikimedia projects you have been already contributing to and any other information you consider to be useful. Then the community will discuss it and decide whether you will be given bot status or not.
Until you get bot status, please keep in mind that you are not allowed to make more than 2 edits per minute and more than 10 edits per day/30 edits per week. For surpassing this limit you have been temporarily blocked. --Flyax 12:22, 10 Μαΐου 2008 (UTC)
You have been blocked...
επεξεργασίαtemporarily for surpassing the 10-edit limit per day for operators without the bot flag. Please keep to that limit until you receive bot status. Thanks, -- ArielGlenn 16:20, 13 Μαΐου 2008 (UTC)